What To Watch When You’re Sick

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| February 17, 2023

For a couple of weeks this winter, I wasn’t feeling well. The hardest part about being sick is the lack of energy and focus. An article from Upstate Medical University on self care recommends that a person who is sick should stay home and rest. Heather Finn, MD, of Upstate Family and Preventive Medicine says, “Get additional sleep if you can, or curl up with a blanket to read, do a crossword puzzle or watch TV.”  Which begs the question, “What do I watch?” I have a few recommendations that could help you feel better. So grab a bowl of chicken soup, and get comfy.

You got a fever? A fever for giant monsters? 

Then Godzilla is the monster for you!

His career began in 1954. He has a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, and though his height varies from film to film, to his fans he is the King of the Monsters! Now I’ll admit some of the films are comical and may be considered cheesy. But when your sinuses are so clogged that it feels like your head’s about to explode, watching a prehistoric reptile infused with nuclear energy towering over a city, there’s a sense of childlike satisfaction with every step. As he smashes cars, and topples buildings, leaving complete chaos and destruction in his wake. On the top of my list are Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla: King Of Monsters. But with 35 films to his credit, there is plenty to choose from.

Continuing the gigantic monster motif, these next recommendations contain monsters that were created by one man: animator and special effect artist Ray Harryhausen. Ray created a form of stop motion animation known as dynamation. Within his great body of work, my favorites are

Sindbad, The Eye of Tiger, and Clash Of Titans. 

All of these monster flicks should fill your fevered dreams to the brim with high adventure and wild romance.

All that stomping around giving you a headache?

I have a remedy that may help soothe your aches and pains. It’s called ASMR, and YouTube has a treasure trove of ASMR videos to choose from.

I got chills, they’re multiplyin’.

Relax with TV Backgrounds has a plethora of fireplace choices with or without music. When I know I need to rest, these are ideal, after a warm cup of tea to keep the chill away.

Still can’t sleep? Feels like I’m crawling the walls.

Then may I suggest something a bit more magical? Visit ASMR Weekly where the creator has literally conjured up the world of Harry Potter. You can even ride the train! The attention to detail is astounding!  Even Though you may be too ill to leave your couch, these videos can transport your mind to the Wizarding World in a blink of an eye!

If you prefer mysteries, then check out the sounds from Mystery Supply Co. My favorite videos from this creator are inspired by the classic 1969 animated series Scooby-Doo! With these sights and sounds from these creators you should be able to overcome insomnia thanks to some help from these meddling kids. I like this video (above) the best; listen carefully to what is playing on the radio.

Well, I hope these suggestions help ease your recovery and remember to drink plenty of fluids.

What do you watch when you’re sick?

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