Nick is a semi-professional goofball. He enjoys all things gaming, TV and film. He found his passion after falling in love with the first Bioshock game. Socially awkward, but he can quote every line from The Mummy Returns. He aspires to become an actor, stand up comedian and screenwriter. Big Star Wars fan, even bigger Spider-Man fan. Imagine a Spider-Jedi! That would be sick.
Sony’s PlayStation showcase happened this week and it was spectacular! Here’s a rundown of everything that happened and why Sony nailed it from start to finish.
Bursting with heart and flavors of New Caledonia, Tchia will possess your heart and never let it go. Let’s have a look at one of the most unique and beautiful indie games we’ve seen in a very long time.
Video game adaptations are cursed! Well, maybe not, but it feels like most of the time, they suck. Let’s dive right into the “why” and get to the bottom of this.
Ready for a lesson on storytelling in video games? Let’s talk about Ludonarrative Dissonance, what it is and how it affects some of our favorite games.
There’s no shortage of awesome women in video games that kick way more butt than the guys do and we love em! Go eat some bench gentlemen, let’s have a look at some of the most fierce, badass, and important female video game characters.
Gears of War is just about the most fun you can have with a friend on a couch… Moving swiftly along from how awkward that sounded, let’s talk about Couch Co-op and how awesome, and criminally underused, it is in modern video games as we look back on one of Xbox’s best flagship series.
Dandadan’s first season is now complete. The supernatural and alien-focused series was a bundle of chaotic energy that Iain really vibed with. Check out his review and discover why it may be the gateway anime to get people interested in anime.