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Rohan Elliott

Friendship Enders: Mario Party

After a bit of a hiatus, we’ve got the second installment of Friendship Enders and we’re focusing on part two of the relationship-ending trifecta – Mario Party. Grab your controllers, get those thumbs ready cause it’s time to party.
by Rohan Elliott | June 29, 2021 | , , ,

Why Video Game Movies Always Come Up Short

After watching the new Mortal Kombat movie trailer, I couldn't help but ask myself whether this video game movie is finally going to be the one that breaks the video game curse.
by Rohan Elliott | April 24, 2021 | ,

RIP Adobe Flash: The Games We’re Going To Miss

As the internet enters a new decade, one of its titans bids us farewell after 25 years. Let’s all send Adobe’s flagship into the night the way it arrived all those years ago - not with a whimper, but with an almighty bang.
by Rohan Elliott | February 17, 2021 | , , ,

Hidden Gems – Driver: San Francisco

Time to check out whether the 2011 daytime TV cop show turned into a video game - Driver San Francisco- is worth checking out.
by Rohan Elliott | January 12, 2021 | , , , ,

Friendship Enders – Mario Kart

Hey there everyone and welcome to the inaugural Friendship Enders, a series where we’ll go back into the halls of video game history and dust-off games and memories from days past playing with our mates. Yes, I know it’s only been about half a year since we’ve been able to get together with our mates […]
by Rohan Elliott | November 16, 2020 | , ,

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PAX Aus 2023: Nintendo’s Return, Tabletop Adventures, and a Brush with Back Pocket!

Missed out on PAX Aus 2023 or wondering what it was like to attend? Join Rohand and Thomas as they break down PAX Aus 2023 from the eyes of a first-timer and a grizzled veteran.
by Rohan ElliottNovember 19, 2023
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