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Rohan Elliott
An indie author from Western Australia, Rohan loves writing stories that hook readers from the start and keep them turning right to the very last page. When he’s not writing stories, contributing to Couch Soup or recharging with a good book, you can catch him on his blog chatting about the latest games he’s played, movies he’s watched or weirder topics like which car in movie history has the worst criminal record… yeah, we don’t know what he was thinking with that one either.

Marching to the Top with Shaun Bolen from Hang Time

Shaun Bolen, owner of Hang Time drops by for a chat all about the new brand, his journey as a content creator, and all the fun stuff that’s coming in the future including their March to the Top stream coming soon!
by Rohan Elliott | March 16, 2022 | , ,

Spaceflight Simulator Review: The Final Frontier? Not Quite.

Rohan boards a ship heading for the final frontier with the early access game Spaceflight Simulator. It’s shooting for the stars but will it be able to reach orbit, or will we be crashing back down to Earth? Let's find out.
by Rohan Elliott | March 5, 2022 | , , ,

Is the Success of the Sonic Movie to Blame for the Cast of the New Mario Movie?

The new Mario movie has had its cast announced and it’s got some big name stars attached. However, there’s still the underlying question of why they’re making the movie in the first place. Let’s figure that out together shall we?
by Rohan Elliott | October 12, 2021 | , ,

Friendship Enders: Mario Party

After a bit of a hiatus, we’ve got the second installment of Friendship Enders and we’re focusing on part two of the relationship-ending trifecta – Mario Party. Grab your controllers, get those thumbs ready cause it’s time to party.
by Rohan Elliott | June 29, 2021 | , , ,

RIP Adobe Flash: The Games We’re Going To Miss

As the internet enters a new decade, one of its titans bids us farewell after 25 years. Let’s all send Adobe’s flagship into the night the way it arrived all those years ago - not with a whimper, but with an almighty bang.
by Rohan Elliott | February 17, 2021 | , , ,

Hidden Gems – Driver: San Francisco

Time to check out whether the 2011 daytime TV cop show turned into a video game - Driver San Francisco- is worth checking out.
by Rohan Elliott | January 12, 2021 | , , , ,

Friendship Enders – Mario Kart

Hey there everyone and welcome to the inaugural Friendship Enders, a series where we’ll go back into the halls of video game history and dust-off games and memories from days past playing with our mates. Yes, I know it’s only been about half a year since we’ve been able to get together with our mates […]
by Rohan Elliott | November 16, 2020 | , ,
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Why is the Okami Sequel so Surprising?

What is Okami and why is everyone so excited for this sequel? Consider this your crash course in all things Capcom & Clover Studio's Okami and its upcoming Okami Sequel.
by Andrea CarterJanuary 2, 2025
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