Mike Flanagan is a masterful storyteller. Join us as we highlight some of his best works and projects that are on the horizon for this wizard of the screen.
Rohan checks out fellow aussie Alan Baxter’s urban fantasy novel Bound to see if this novel’s as breathtaking and enjoyable as its blurb proclaimed. It’s got magic, monsters and cage fighting so if nothing else it looks to be a wild ride.
What do you get when you mix the characters of Final Fantasy with the worlds of Disney? A stupidly good time known as Kingdom Hearts. Thomas Richards breaks down why you should give the Kingdom Hearts series a look, even if it’s a bit dumb.
You might be surprised to find out where Zombies first originated in film. It's not what you think! Also, get some recommendations on what zombie films and TV to watch in this installment of The Art of Horror.
Darth Vader is closing in on his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Will Vader catch up to Obi-Wan before he is able to escape? Has Obi-Wan’s rescue mission for the Princess doomed the members of ‘The Path?’ What plot twists and galactic secrets will be revealed in Part V of Kenobi? “Join me,” as we break down Part V of the Kenobi series.
The new cat centric game Stray is out now and cat lover Maria just cannot wait to get her paws on it! Check out her review of this feline fueled adventure.
Patrick Sutherland's look into the newest Steam game that'll drive you batty, V Rising. Gather your friends and prepare to spill some blood in this base-building, third-person, vampire survival game.
The Princess needs to be rescued! Will Obi-Wan be able to save her in time? Will he be strong enough to pull off this mission? What dark secrets does the Fortress Inquisitorius hold? Check out how Obi-Wan gets his groove back in Chapter IV.
Agatha All Along has come and gone, so how does it stack up compared to other MCU shows? Join Tom as he gives his overall thoughts on this witch-filled series.