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Deadpool & Wolverine – Big Spoilery Fun Review

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Art of Lily K
| July 27, 2024
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Alright, alright, alright (read this in Matthew McConaughey’s voice, please, thank you) Marvel put the breaks on their projects and Deadpool and Wolverine is one of the two titles that dropped this year. The endless amount of complaints they received definitely reached their ears and they started to give time to their productions (thankfully). That obviously also meant that there was extra pressure on Deadpool and Wolverine

I mean… there was pressure on it already. The third movie, bringing back everyone’s favorite character – Wolverine – having enough naked torsos on screen, so you know, just the usual. Did they deliver? In short: FUCK YEAH. Oh, yes, this is an R-rated review, so I will be cursing a lot, just like our friendly neighbourhood Deadpool. If you only want to know if this movie is worth your money, then the answer is yes. Very much so. This is the kind of movie that was made for the big screen experience. So go and watch it, and then come back for the S-rated review. What’s the S there, you ask? S = Spoiler, you silly. It should be HS because my dudes: HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD. 


Wolverine ready to fight

I was stupid excited for this movie mostly because there was a void in my heart, a Marvel-sized void. And sure, because I was happy to see not only Deadpool back but Wolverine too, Hugh Jackman to be exact. 

The movie opens brilliantly, dropping Mr. Pool (fine, let’s name him too: Ryan Reynolds) right into Logan’s grave, literally. He tries to dig up the Logan who died at the end of Logan. As we find out from his brilliant narration, the TVA showed up one day, took him to join the big league and revealed that his world was actually dying because the anchor being (the Logan from 2017’s Logan film) was dead. So Deadpool being Deadpool, decides to get another Logan – after confirming that, yes, 2017’s Logan is indeed dead – to become the anchor being of his world. Through many multiversal montage travels, he finally finds “the one”, aka the yellow-suited Wolverine we saw in all the promotional material. 

However, Mr. Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) doesn’t want a new anchor being – and especially not the worst Logan, who let everyone down in his Universe – because he wants to play TVA God and destroy Deadpool’s world no matter what. Quite rude if you ask me. Anyway, Deadpool and Wolverine win themselves a quick pruning and end up in The Void. They have a go at each other, and the first glorious and totally unexpected cameo happens…

When I tell you that I screamed (!!) along with at least 100 people – something that hasn’t happened since No Way Home – is a complete understatement. Fucking Chris Evans, aka Captain America himself, is back in a Marvel movie as… fucking Johnny Storm. Yep, they pulled a good one with that. Evans is gracing the screen again with his glorious presence, but he is back as Fantastic Four’s Human Torch. Good one Reynolds, good one. I mean sure, it was Chris’ first superhero outing, so I guess it made sense, given how the movie progresses. 


You see, Deadpool and Wolverine, above everything else, is a bigass tribute to 90’s babies. Aka me, yes… 1990 here, cheers. I grew up with the heroes who show up in this movie, whether it is to be a background extra or to be ACTUALLY FREAKING BACK, man… My 90’s heart nearly leapt out of my chest. There are the ones that we saw in the trailers, like Pyro (Aaron Stanford) from X-Men: The Last Stand and Sabertooth (Tyler Mane) from X-Men. But man… oh man… we didn’t even know how good we would have it. 

After Deadpool and Wolverine manage to get away from brain-fucker Cassandra Nova (Emma Corrin) and get into some deep talk that ends up in a fight, that’s when the real surprises pour in, and I honestly have zero idea how they managed to keep them a secret in today’s economy. 

After the “friendly fight” where they knock each other unconscious, they get collected by none other than X-23, aka Laura (Dafne Keen), who we’ve known about because they revealed her in the final trailer. What they DIDN’T reveal is three absolutely banger appearances. 

Elektra, played by Jennifer Garner, who first appeared in 2003’s Daredevil and then in her solo movie Elektra in 2005. And by the way, she still looks freaking amazing, like, respect my girl. Following her is none other than fucking Wesley Snipes, aka Blade himself from Blade (1998), Blade II (2002) and Blade Trinity (2004), where he also first worked with Ryan Reynolds himself. That’s right, Reynolds’ first Marvel appearance was in Blade Trinity. And last but not least, it was the Gambit we were promised, but never got Channing Tatum. You see, Channing Tatum actually spent the last decade or so trying to get a Gambit movie made, but it never happened, despite his best efforts. Reynolds (being best buddies with Tatum) finally made that dream come true, and my days, we won big time. Tatum’s Gambit is one of the funniest part of the movie, I swear. I laughed every single time he said something; just brilliant. And oh boy, this guy has SOME MOVES, like the action sequences he got makes you wish for a freaking solo Gambit movie for sure. But please, keep the accent; it was hilarious beyond measure. 

These three are such a delight to see and experience in live action that words can’t even describe it properly. The loud gasps and “OH MY FUCKING GOD” that left someone’s mouth at the cinema (it definitely wasn’t me, I promise) described it best. Nostalgia lives on in people, and when you do it right, it pays off immensely. 


But, other than the glorious, nostalgic cameos, this movie has even more going for it. It has a huge heart, first and foremost. Even though this Logan is not the one we knew from the previous movies, he is incredibly likable from the moment he arrives. His burden is heavy and just touched upon enough to make the tears fall. And let me tell ya, whoever wrote that monologue for him in the car scene, where he basically destroys Deadpool’s entire self-esteem with just words… well, fucking done… that was the first time I shed tears, so if it hit me in the feels like that I can only imagine how much Wade Wilson cried under the mask before beating the shit out of Wolverine. Hugh Jackman’s every delivery is like he never retired from the role. He is so freaking good, so we can safely say that he is the one and only Wolverine for good. 

The jokes were amazing and obviously expertly delivered throughout. I laughed so much at points that my tummy hurt, and that’s a big achievement, my dudes. 

CGI was good; not much to say about it other than thank you for taking the time with it. I think there was only one point where it was a bit icky, but you kind of forget about it quickly. 

And finally… the music. We need to talk about the music because it was banger after banger after… This is where I have my biggest gripe with the movie. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman go to South Korea to promote the movie; Reynolds talks about his love for Stray Kids, they get interviewed by Felix and Bang Chan from Stray Kids, they appear in their new music video CHK CHK BOOM, and it is revealed that a completely new Stray Kids song ‘Slash’ is on the official soundtrack list of the movie…


I mean… where? Why didn’t we hear it in the movie? I… really didn’t understand it, to be honest. It’s a small thing on the scale of this movie, but still… come on. Do better. I don’t think I was the only one who was looking forward to hearing it. Like don’t get me wrong, all the songs went hard as fuck throughout the movie, but yeah, I would call this a bit of a cop-out. Fake advertisement even. 


So. Overall. 

Deadpool and Wolverine was fantastic. It was a movie many of us waited for for a very long time. It delivered all it promised and more. The nerds can indeed touch themselves in ecstasy. I really liked that it wasn’t afraid to poke jokes at today’s heavy problems with society (leaks, getting too woke, getting offended by anything and everything, etc.). All in all, a great movie. Not only as a Deadpool movie but as an MCU movie too. Hopefully this is just the beginning of the Marvel renaissance. With the recent news of Marvel trying to bring back the Russo brothers for the next two big Avengers movies one can only hope that Marvel is finding its way back to itself. 

Gets a very easy 10 out of 10 Couch Soup rating, and I really hope to see Deadpool and Wolverine back soon. Mostly because I want to know why Thor cried too. 

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About the Author

  • Art of Lily K

    Huge movie maniac and Captain America fan, Lily K is from Hungary. She was a gamer ever since she can remember who started out with Duck Hunt and grew up with all the classics. Uncharted proved to be a life-changing experience and made her into a Chloe Cosplayer, probably for life. Artist, actress and film buff, Lily K is here to spread all her knowledge to you.

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Michelle Holstine
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YASSSS 10/10!!

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