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Everything You Need to Know About The Indigo Disk DLC

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Thomas Richards
| November 24, 2023
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The release date for part two of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Expansion Pass has finally been announced! The Indigo Disk will be released on December 14th, and I am incredibly excited to spend some time at Blueberry Academy (the primary location for the DLC). This release will most likely mark the end of new content for the Generation 9 games, but the Indigo Disk is shaping up to be an outstanding finale. There will be new areas to explore, new characters to meet, and, most importantly, more Pokémon to collect. There’s a lot of new in this DLC, so much so that it could be a little overwhelming. Lucky for you, Couch Soup is here to get you up to speed on everything you need to know about the Indigo Disk.

Time For An Exchange

The player character (left) is talking with Cyrano (right). They are standing on a path that leads to the entrance to Blueberry Academy. The walls are bright blue and the floor is pristine white.
So, do you like Pokémon? (The Pokémon Company)

The story of the Indigo Disk will take you to Blueberry Academy in the Unova region. It’s a special type of Pokémon school with a focus on battling. If you played the previous DLC, The Teal Mask, you would’ve already met two of the students, Carmine and Kieran. Your character’s school (depending on your version) is conducting a student exchange program, and you’re lucky enough to be a part of it. You’ll get the opportunity to experience all that Blueberry Academy has to offer, which includes new Pokémon, new mysteries, and a lot of battling.

The Indigo Disk is a sequel to The Teal Mask, so it’s suggested that you play through that first. Specific plot threads and character arcs look to be concluded in this DLC, so finishing the previous DLC story will be best. Speaking of finishing past stories. I’d also highly recommend completing the main story of the base game as well. You’ll likely be diving back into Area Zero in Paldea, so make sure you’ve also completed the main game. This will allow you to experience the entire story of The Indigo Disk.

New Classmates

Drayton, Crispin, Lacey, and Amarys are standing in a line. School seats are behind them with a red banner hanging on the wall.
They’re certainly, colourful. (The Pokémon Company)

Like The Teal Mask, The Indigo Disk has many new and returning characters to meet and battle. Carmine and Kieran will be returning from the first DLC, and I’m sure that Kieran has mellowed out since we last saw him (yeah, nah, he’s still gonna be an edgy, sad boi). It’s also highly likely that Ms Briar will reappear, as her story is very much connected to Area Zero. Aside from these three, I’m willing to bet that characters such as Nemona or Arven from the base game will also show up in some capacity. I missed them greatly in The Teal Mask and would love for them to get more screen time.

Onto the newcomers now, and they’re a colourful bunch. To start, there’s the head of Blueberry Academy, Cyrano. He’s an acquaintance of Clavell (the head of the players’ school) and is the one to offer you the chance to participate in the exchange program. Then there is the Elite Four of Blueberry Academy; how are Lacey, Crispin, Amarys, and Drayton. We don’t know much about them or which type of Pokémon they’ll use (I’m gonna take a guess and say Crispin uses fire types), but figuring it out in the middle of a battle is half the fun.

New and Returning Pokémon

Raging Bolt is screaming. It is standing in an area surrounded by rocks with water covering the floor. A waterfall is in the background
Why does it look like a giraffe? (The Pokémon Company)

Like the previous DLC, The Indigo Disk will introduce a handful of new Pokémon alongside some returning favourites. They’ll be found in a new area called the Terarium Dome, an undersea area consisting of various biomes filled with Pokémon, both new and old. The returning Pokémon this time around includes several starter Pokémon such as the Johto trio of Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile and the Hoenn trio of Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip (the best starter). You also have returning favourites, such as the Beldum line and a large chunk of Unova Pokémon that hadn’t made their way to the Switch yet. The most important return is MA BOI BLITZLE! This electric Zebra has been one that I have been wanting back since the series first moved to the Switch, and I’m so happy that this lil guy is back in The Indigo Disk.

Aside from returning Pokémon, some oldies are getting new evolutions. The only one revealed so far is Archaludon, an evolution of Duraludon that looks like a giant bridge. Not much is known about this new evolution or how to get it. But I’m sure the evolution method will be straightforward and obvious (I hope). Some new paradox forms have also been confirmed: Raging Bolt (Raikou) and Iron Crown (Cobalion). These two are similar to Walking Wake (Suicune) and Iron Leaves (Virizion). These two have interesting designs, especially Raging Bolt, which looks like a freaking giraffe and tiger got spliced together. There’s also the mascot Pokémon for the DLC, Terapagos, who has some ties to terastallizing and Area Zero, but we don’t know yet.

Secrets Yet To Be Found

Terapagos is hovering on top of a crystal. The crystal is reflecting a variety of colours. SImilar crystals are covering the area
Look at him. He’s so fluffy. (The Pokémon Company)

With the mysteries behind Area Zero most likely being revealed in The Indigo Disk, I’ve got a few theories for you to think about leading up to the DLC’s release. The first one is that I have a hunch that Professor Turo or Sada (depending on the version) will appear in some capacity. Seeing as their story was heavily linked with Area Zero, it seems a no-brainer that they’ll make an appearance. I also think we’ll learn what created Area Zero and the paradox Pokémon. Aside from Area Zero stuff, I also believe that Kieran will be the final boss of the DLC. He wasn’t in the healthiest mental state at the end of The Teal Mask, and everyone loves a good villain arc.

Two Zebstrika and a Blitzle are running through light brown grass. A tree is in the background and clouds are rolling through the sky.
MA BOIS!! (The Pokémon Company)

And that’s everything you need to know about The Indigo Disk. More secrets will surely be hidden throughout Blueberry Academy, but we’ll have to wait a little longer before we know for sure. Until then, keep it locked to Couch Soup for all the latest news about the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Expansion Pass: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.

Will you be playing The Indigo Disk? Which Elite Four member do you want to battle first? Which returning Pokémon is your favourite? Let us know in the comments where we can all be excited about the return of Blitzle!

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About the Author

  • Thomas Richards

    Self-proclaimed anime trash from Melbourne, Australia, Thomas has always been obsessed with everything pop culture. From games such as Pokémon and Jak and Daxter to the MCU and everything in between. When he isn’t hyper-fixated on some new shiny release or feeding his manga buying disease, Tom is always trying to create new things that can bring a smile to anyone's face.

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