Final Space Gets to End!

hello world!
| April 27, 2023

April 24th, 2023. The day that I thought would never come. The day that I had almost given up on.

Final Space. Final Space gets to END!

Olan Rogers, the creator, shared on social media that he gets to finish his animated space opera. And I am HYPED. But let me slow down and tell you about the show.

Final Space is a space opera comedy-drama adult animation that ran for three seasons. The series follows the epic story of Gary Goodspeed, a prisoner serving a sentence on the Galaxy One space shuttle where his only companions are an AI named HUE and a deep space insanity avoidance droid named KVN (pronounced Kevin). Gary is serving the final days of his sentence when he happens upon and befriends an incomprehensibly powerful entity and a bounty hunter. Together, they are thrust into a confrontation with the evil Lord Commander in a fight to save the universe itself.

But then it was canceled. On a cliffhanger, no less. It got me right in the feels.

So, Warner Brothers made it realllllllll hard

And then it was WRITTEN OFF FOR TAX REASONS BY WARNER BROS! It was dead, gone, doneso, removed from almost every outlet. I was distraught. You can read all about it in my previous article Godspeed to Final Space and Vice Versa. It’s been seven long months since Olan’s announcement that his show, his pride and joy, was lost. It was a knife to the heart of all Fantrexians. And, although his new project, Godspeed, was funded, and we’re all excited about that… it wasn’t what we really wanted. It was a consolation prize.

Fast forward to April 24th. Out of nowhere, Olan posts a video on his social media detailing the best news I’ve heard all month. WB is letting him finish his story! Let’s FREAKING gooooooooooooooooo! That’s what I’m talking about! Get in there!!!!!!!!!!

WB has given Olan Rogers a one-off take-it-or-leave-it deal to finish his story via graphic novel. Ok, so it’s not exactly what the fans wanted, but this story deserves an end, and we will take what we can get! And so will Olan.

We did it!

The deal does have some major constraints written into the terms and conditions, however:

  • He can only produce physical copies of the graphic novel, meaning that there will be no digital download available. In the age of the internet and with the decline of physical media, this is extremely odd.
  • He cannot use any animation, music, or voice-over as part of the production. It may have been hard to shoehorn those into physical media, but WB knows that the team is on very good terms with a lot of the original cast.
  • He cannot sell the graphic novel on any site that he does not own. Yeah! He can’t list on Amazon, other online retailers, or in stores. Severely limiting!
  • He has to self-publish. Something that he has no experience in.
  • And; He can’t fund it on Kickstarter. His Godspeed Kickstarter was funded obscenely quickly and at over 500% of its initial goal, but he’s prohibited from campaigning for this project.

In short, WB made it as hard as f*cking possible to make this a success.

But a success, it has already been.

Olan listed a pre-order of the graphic novel at, soft-capped at 10,000 units, listed at $125 each plus a delivery charge. A pre-order that won’t be fulfilled for at least 12 months.

Within 24 hours, it had completely sold out. At the time of writing, a further 3,000 units had been made available for pre-order. And another 1000 have been sold.

Fantrexians be crazy

That means that this small show that nobody cared about, that was small enough for WB to cancel and write off for tax reasons, just raised OVER $1 MILLION in 24 hours. That’s absolutely incredible! It goes to show how much this show was loved by the ones who watched it. Fantrexians be crazy!

I’ve got my copy pre-ordered, a piece of history that I’m not willing to miss out on. You can still get yours… if you hurry! You can watch Olan’s announcement here. I dare you to not be inspired by this man. 

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