Going Crazy for the Madness

hello world!
| May 18, 2023

Do you want more morally questionable super-powered protagonists with personality disorders in your graphic novels? Are you itching for the next Brightburn to disintegrate, disembowel or dismember other powered beings in a fit of rage or revenge? Well, I am! So I may have some great news for you!

Psychological thriller, The Madness, the new 6-issue series by legendary comics creator J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Resistance) and superstar artist ACO (The Amazing Spider-Man, Wonder Woman), follows Sarah Ross, a super-powered thief with no charitable intentions. She’s no Robin Hood; the riches are alllll hers! When a government department of so-called “good-guy” supers target her for stealing from an influential person, her family is wiped out in the crossfire. Sarah is driven to the brink of insanity by her grief and fixation on the supers that massacred her loved ones resulting in the emergence of an imaginary friend who may be more than they seem. Her quest for revenge will not end until all of those responsible are ten feet under!

This cover is so pretty!

Well daaaaaamn! That hits the spot! This sounds like the R-rated Venom / Homelander / Punisher crossover that we freaking deserve. A little bit bipolar and a little bit homicidal revenge-driven maniac. With superpowers.

Publishers, Artists, Writers, and Artisans (AWA), the independent developer of some of the boldest and original stories from fabulous creators, previously partnered with J. Michael Straczynski on The Resistance, another series with a superhero ensemble cast. But The Madness concentrates on a singular unusual protagonist.

“I love writing stories about atypical heroes,” said J. Michael Straczynski. “I wanted to play with the idea that we all have another side of us deep within that isn’t comparable to what we show people in everyday life. And – when that part comes out – how destructive it can really be, regardless of intent. It was a joy to develop Sarah, a complicated and passionate lead character seeking accountability, in the world that is The Madness, especially working with a talented artist like ACO to bring it all to life.”

Not only are incredible artists working on this series, but they’re also partnering with the most legendary punk rock bands of the 20th century to bring you special covers inspired by classic album covers! Expect artworks illustrated by Chris Ferguson (Black Tape) in conjunction with a bunch of other well-known comic artists inspired by albums like Black Flag’s Six Pack, The Cramps’ Bad Music for Bad People, Sex Pistols’ Nevermind the Bollocks. Punk rock, in part, was the inspiration for the series, so it’s an excellent nod!

Issue #1 of The Madness will be available Wednesday, August 9, both digitally and in stores wherever comic books are sold. For more information on The Madness and other content, visit AWA Studios on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and AWAStudios.net.

I’m pretty scared… are those hands covered in BLOOD?!

Don’t be a Stooge. It will be Rancid if you miss out on what is promising to be a terrific series.


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