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Dude, I Totally Want To Get an Xbox Now – Ep. #94 | TRP

Ash and Erika return to the show this week to discuss E3 hype madness and of course Retro Replay. We then talk about what we loved from the latest episode of Retro Replay, where Jovenshire returns to play some Looney Tunes B-ball with Nolan. 
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Ahsoka Episodes 1 & 2 – Rebels & Witches & Lothcats, Oh My!

Ahsoka opening two episodes released on Disney+. Here’s Iain’s recap of Episode 1: Master and Apprentice, and Episode 2: Toil and Trouble. Don’t judge him; he’s very excited.
by Iain McParlandAugust 26, 2023

Top 5 Cozy Games of All Time

Under the firm belief that all gamers should have a library of cozy games, Kim shares some of her all time favourites to get your collection started.
by Kim PayneAugust 8, 2023

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The Mandalorian S3 “The Pirate”- Top 3 Highlights

Chapter 21, the Pirate, has it all! Pirates, pilots and politics! We see some familiar faces make some great cameos. The Mandalorians gear up to help a friend protect the independence of Nevarro and are united in purpose. Check out my top three highlights of this action packed episode!
by Candace BissonetteApril 9, 2023

Hidden Gems Of YouTube In 2020

This year, a lot of YouTube channels flourished during the ongoing global crisis. Here are some of this writer’s personal favorites.
by Michael Saint GregoryDecember 31, 2020

65 – Is The Prehistoric Thriller A Hit or A Miss? 

65 was highly anticipated by audiences across the globe. Did the prehistoric thriller deliver a story that was impactful enough to win viewers over or did the film fall flat in unrealized expectations? Check out what Candace & Lily thought about the thriller and the pros and cons of how the story unraveled.
by Candace BissonetteMarch 21, 2023

Chloe Knows Best: a Little Hope review

The title shall speak for itself, but in case it doesn’t: I am Chloe Frazer, I played Little Hope and now I’ll tell you my thoughts on it. Do I approve or not? You’ll find out if you read this article, because this is what I do now, while the lockdown lasts at least or maybe… a bit longer.
by Art of Lily KFebruary 15, 2021

Crash Team Racing – Modders Do The Impossible After Almost 25 Years

Crash Team Racing, released around 25 years ago, has its first custom-made track available on PlayStation. Brought to you by the geniuses at Darkaiser, this new track is just the beginning of a new renaissance for CTR. Here’s why.
by Iain McParlandJune 19, 2023

Women in Gaming: ThatNerdViolet, Safely Queer and Beautifully Positive

In Erika’s latest Women in Gaming article, we are introduced to ThatNerdViolet, a Twitch streamer who has created a beautifully safe and extremely fun place for her community!
by Erika AundawynDecember 13, 2022
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