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KillHer is a Fun Twist on the Serial Killer in the Woods Trope

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Iain McParland
| October 10, 2024
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Grimmfest’s (Manchester’s horror film festival) closing film was KillHer, and it was the one I was most anticipating. I’m a sucker for masked killers in the woods stalking helpless 20-somethings. It’s a comfort watch after growing up with movies like Scream, Halloween, and Friday the 13th. They’re classics for a reason, right?

But KillHer is different from what I expected, and in a good way. Directed by Robyn August and starring M.C. Huff, Tom Kiesche and Jenna Z. Alvarez, this was much more than I bargained for. Rather than the serious but tropey killer in the woods outing I was expecting, KillHer is a fun horror-comedy that borders on spoof. 


Eddie (M.C. Huff) takes Mattie (Jenna Z. Alvarez) and two of her friends camping in the woods for some pre-bachelorette party planning. Mattie, a sweet, innocent girl, is soon to be married to the mysterious and devilishly handsome Jagger (Jack Schumacher), and it’s fallen to Eddie to help plan her one last blowout. 

Things don’t go to plan, though, when their campgrounds are being shared by a gruff woodsman survivalist type with a less-than-sunny disposition. Jagger was supposed to be camping here and not this scary dude! These girls are not used to roughing it in the slightest, and Eddie’s unhelpful pranks are the cherry on top, making everyone hella nervous. 

But is there a reason to be scared? Well, yes. Yes, there is…

The Good

Scary mask on a pole. Not creepy at all.

KillHer has the same sort of tone as The Cabin in the Woods and, to a lesser degree, Tucker and Dale Versus Evil. It leans into the ridiculous while still having some horrific moments and brutal kills. Coupled with how out of place these gruesome moments are with the overall vibe of the film, it was joyfully surprising when these scenes took place.

The performance of M.C. Huff, in particular, was a highlight, along with Emily Hall as Jess, the stuck-up yet suspicious friend of Mattie. They knew their roles very well and played them with aplomb, if a little over the top. However, these characters’ exaggerations are part of their charm and in keeping with the overall tone. 

And, you know, it’s a masked killer in the woods. What’s not to love? Special mention has to go to the props and VFX department because that mask design is inspired. Seriously scary. According to the director in the Q&A at Grimmfest, some of the VFX were personally created due to budgetary constraints. Good job!

The Not so Good


KillHer makes some interesting story choices. I don’t want to spoil any of the twists and turns in the movie, but the eventual killer unmasking isn’t remotely surprising. I’m not even sure it’s supposed to be, but it’s something that can be telegraphed from the opening act. 

Some of the decisions the supporting cast makes are also pretty dumb. I know we’re talking about a schlocky serial killer comedy-horror here, but come on! This isn’t just a “don’t run upstairs when the exit is on the ground floor” moment! Everything that Jess and Rae (Nicole Lovince), Mattie’s third friend on the trip, experience when they dip out to find a warm bed for the night points to sinister crap going on, and then they just choose to stay?! 

Nahhhhhhhhh. They would have got outta there tout suite


KillHer is a surprisingly fun comedy-horror that leans into horror tropes such as the setting, masked killers, suspicious mountain men, and a cast of vulnerable young women to prey on. It knows what it is and embraces it, wanting to bring joy rather than existential crises to the audience. 

There were times when I was thinking “what are you doing?” and not in a good way. Character decisions were baffling to a different degree, unlike most horror protagonists’ decisions, where they are mostly just a little suspect. 

However, it has the same sort of quality as Willy’s Wonderland: sometimes silly, sometimes horrific, always over the top. This is a marmite film, where you’ll either jive with the vibe or be put off by it. 

Me? I enjoyed this Grimmfest festival closing selection. It’s a super fun time.

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About the Author

  • Iain McParland

    A northerner from England, Iain is passionate about all things film, TV, and video games (he has an obsession with popping them trophies in PlayStation games). When not consuming pop culture, Iain can be found drawing on MS Paint, learning Mandarin, watching football (soccer), or at pub quizzes. Mostly the pub thing, although he actually has not drunk a drop of alcohol since a messy Christmas Eve over a decade ago...

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