Gears of War is just about the most fun you can have with a friend on a couch… Moving swiftly along from how awkward that sounded, let’s talk about Couch Co-op and how awesome, and criminally underused, it is in modern video games as we look back on one of Xbox’s best flagship series.
What do you get when you mix the characters of Final Fantasy with the worlds of Disney? A stupidly good time known as Kingdom Hearts. Thomas Richards breaks down why you should give the Kingdom Hearts series a look, even if it’s a bit dumb.
Hypnospace Outlaw and Broken Reality offer a rare insight into the early internet… for a young’un like Tyler, it doesn’t exactly matter how accurate that insight happens to be.
Are you ready to go Postal?? Hyperstrange has released the latest addition to the Postal franchise, Postal: Brain Damaged, and its as crazy and as manic as ever! Maria takes an indepth look at this new, insane, First Person Boomer Shooter!
MMOs can be fickle beasts to jump into for new players. Warframe’s Angels of the Zariman update looks to make the onboarding process just a little bit easier as the game’s Origin System enters a new era.
The Kirby franchise has always flirted with elements of horror just under the surface, but the newest entry, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, kicks that up to 11 with its eerie liminal spaces. Tyler looks at what “liminality” is and why it’s so damn important to this game!
Long weekend, meet short games. Here are six games you can absolutely jam out completely over a long weekend in less than five hours. Also, these games don't suck so we can ensure it's time well spent.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has been nominated for the Game of the Year at 2024’s Game Awards. Is this an injustice the world has never seen before, or should we just grit our teeth and bear it. Let’s discuss.
Sonic X Shadow Generations is finally here, and it’s better than we could’ve ever imagined. Join Tom as he tells you why this is the true Game of the Year for 2024.
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings has been released, but is it more than glorified marketing material? Join Tom as he explains why this may be the best prequel mini-series ever made.
As an avid simmer, I've had a love-hate relationship with The Sims 4 packs. From Island Living to Discover University and even Strangerville… Yes, you heard right, there are plenty of favorable packs and adventure features for an avid simmer like myself to love playing The Sims 4.
PAX Aus 2024 has come and gone, but that’s no reason to be sad. Join Tom and Rohan as they reflect on this chaotic but fun weekend of games and panels.
The ADHD gamer returns with some mini reviews to get you into the Halloween spirit! Are these games anything to scream about? Read the article to find out more!
Day 2 of PAX means more hands-on with games and Rohan is checking out all the PAX indie winners including Anticitizen Red, Max Mustard, The Score and more to see whether they're worth all the long lines to play.