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Are You Ready For PSVR 2? | TRP #113

DATE: 01/26/22
By Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire and Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire

Maria and Luis joined the podcast to talk VR and the news of the PSVR 2 reveal. After a small tangent about curse words and how they can affect your brand we go deep into each of our experiences with VR, various headsets, and our hopes and hype for the new PlayStation Headset, granted it is not insanely expensive

Dan’s take :

As someone who has been extremely interested in VR but never used any of the existing headsets, I am looking forward to what the latest from Sony has to offer. I really hope they make the PS VR 2 backwards compatible as well as work across platforms even though that is not Sony’s MO. Maria and Luis gave some incredible insight on this episode with their own personal experiences with VR. If the PSVR 2 can do what I would like to AND is not insanely expensive like I fear it will be, it may be an easy purchase decision.

With the recent news of Xbox’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, maybe the PSVR 2 will help separate Sony in the space. 

Pagan’s take : 

Ok, I’m a big fan of VR and I love PlayStation so you KNOW I’m ready for this PSVR2!! I am a little skeptical about the vibrations of the headset if I’m honest, I’m not sure that VR needs that right now and I don’t know how subtle that is gonna be! However, if PlayStation pulls it off (which I’m damn sure they will) then it could be a pretty great and unique feature above other available headsets! I’m excited to see that the PSVR will have fewer cables but still disappointed that it’s not entirely cable-free. The new controllers look amazing and I’m hoping it’ll allow for better tracking as the current PSVR and move controllers definitely need updating as the tracking is very poor. 

Overall I’m so excited to see what the PSVR2 has in store and can’t wait to dive into Horizon Call of The Mountains and many other games soon! 


Podcast Moments


Ray of Sunshine
Furrowed Brow
F you Luis!


Do you play VR games? What are some of your favorite? 

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

HOST: Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire
FEATURING: Luis Reza + Maria Kinnun
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire

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