Come on Down for Pizza and Karate – Ep. #93 | TRP

DATE: 06/09/21
By Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath and Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

Returning to the podcast are Luis and Michael Timmons (aka Timmons). This week we discuss some timely topics including the delay of God of War Ragnorok and what we hope to see from E3. Getting into Retro Replay for the week, Pagan talks about the first Live episode of Trailer Talk, where a replayer got to join in on the “Talk”. We nerded out hard over Jovenshire’s appearance on the show playing TMNT Tournament Fighters and all the dirty jokes that came with it.

Dan’s favorite bits:

  • Where is our Uncle Noly Knows Underpants? Complete with “Doing” action.
  • Hearing Luis and Michael get excited talking about dream game announcements and getting into our love of Tekken Bowling.
  • All of us laughing and sharing about how much there was to love about this week’s episode and how great Joven and Nolan vibed together.

Pagan’s favorite bits:

  • Hearing everyone’s dream announcements for game releases at E3/in general (Luis’ Silent Hill hopes, and Michael’s Tekken Tag Tournament)
  • It was so great to get some good feedback regarding Trailer Talk and how adding replayer guest opinions is being well received.
  • I really enjoyed laughing with everyone about this week’s RR episode, how Joven added a lot to the show and how each of us found some funny moments to talk about.


Listen and subscribe to The Replayer Podcast here or on your preferred podcast platform.

We think Jovenshire was a great guest and TMNT fighters was a perfect match of a game, what do you think? 

What were your favorite bits from this week’s episode? Let’s chat in the comments below!


HOST: Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath
FEATURING: Luis & Michael Timmons
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

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