Dude, I Totally Want To Get an Xbox Now – Ep. #94 | TRP

DATE: 06/16/21
By Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath and Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

Ash and Erika return to the show this week to discuss E3 hype madness and of course Retro Replay. The Xbox mini fridge is real and we want it, now PlayStation needs to release the PS5 router. We discuss the games announced that we are excited for and some of the other news from E3. We talk about what we loved from the latest episode of Retro Replay, where Jovenshire returns to play some Looney Tunes B-ball with Nolan. 

Dan’s favorite bits:

  • All the excitement around the Xbox conference and hearing everyone say they want an Xbox now.
  • All of us put off my Ash and his eating habits while gaming.
  • Pagan drops a Hot Take on the Avatar movie.

Pagan’s favorite bits:

  • Snack time! What snack do you eat while playing video games? 
  • Most exciting announcements at E3!?
  • Tangent time! I love hearing Erika and Ash tangent off! It’s so much fun to be involved in that energy!


Listen and subscribe to The Replayer Podcast here or on your preferred podcast platform.


What did you think of the Xbox E3 press conference?

What were your favorite bits from this week’s episode? Let’s chat in the comments below!


HOST: Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath
FEATURING: Ash & Erika
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

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