It’s So Much Fun to Watch Things Get Squished – Ep. #92 | TRP

DATE: 05/27/21
By Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath and Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

Joining us on this week’s episode is Michael Sangregorio to talk about his contributions to the Retro Replay website as well as discuss the latest episode of the show. Michael, who has been a long-time fan of the show and has appeared on the podcast multiple times, has written several articles that range from mental health with gaming to what are the best wrestling video games. We nerd out on potential video game parks, things getting squished, and a little behind the scenes of Retro Feud.

Pagan’s favorite bits:

  • Really enjoyed getting to know Michael more and running through his articles on the website.
  • It turns out I love YouTube videos of stuff getting crushed by a hydraulic press.
  • Nidhogg’s pixel gore is amazing!

Dan’s favorite bits:

  • Michael has written an article about mental health that is being cited.
  • Discussing the connections that people make through gaming and communities.
  • Comparing Dan and Pagan’s streams


Listen and subscribe to The Replayer Podcast here or on your preferred podcast platform.

Do you have any games that helped you through tough times? What were your favorite bits from this week’s episode? Let’s chat in the comments below!

HOST: Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath
FEATURING: Michael Sangregorio
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

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