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Talking Halo With Giovanni Lipari | TRP: Ep 119

DATE: 04/20/22
By Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire and Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire

We are incredibly excited to have been joined by Giovanni Lipari, the Costume Designer for the New Halo show on Paramount +. Giovanni gives us plenty of insight behind the Halo tv series as well as his career as a costume designer.


Dan’s take :

As a Halo fan and a fan of the new Halo TV show, it was an incredible honor to get to meet and talk to Giovanni and how he create the amazing costumes for the show. We had a lot of questions that Giovanni nailed, and it was especially interesting to learn how he came up with Makee’s outfit (the human girl living with the Covenant)

It was fascinating to learn that he had previously worked on Into the Badlands and Penny Dreadful, two other shows I really enjoy. Thank you, Giovanni for coming and talking with us on our little podcast


Pagan’s take : 

I’m so glad to have had the chance to talk with Giovanni Lipari on this episode of the Replayer Podcast! I’m actually lucky enough to say I’ve witnessed Giovanni’s work firsthand in productions such as Into the Badlands (costume designer) and Penny Dreadful (Costume assistant). 

Giovanni is clearly so passionate about his work, and it’s wonderful to hear him talk about all of the preparations and research that went into creating these designs for Halo. 

Major thanks to Drew, Alessio, and Giovanni for coming together to work with us on this episode and share some amazing behind-the-scenes insight into the signature designs in the new Halo series


Have you been watching the new Halo TV Series? What do you think of the costumes and armor designs?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

HOST: Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire
FEATURING: Giovanni Lipari
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris + Pagan McGuire

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