We Are All Not Well Adjusted Individuals – Ep. #103 | TRP

DATE: 08/18/21
By Dan Morris and Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

This week, Maria fills in for an absent Pagan as we get to know Rohan. Orphan is a Replayer and contributor for the Retro Replay website. Rohan is a writer who answered Drew’s call to help with the new RR website and an original replayer from the Spider-Man episode! We share what we’ve been playing, discuss some of the articles Rohan has written, and remasters of games. We touch on the Trailer Talk and Cinderella Reimagined trailer.

Pagan’s Favorite Bits

  • No Pagan, so no Bits
  • Maria was thrilled to help and fill in. Maria was very happy that Rohan had a good time and was already saying how much fun he had.

Dan’s Favorite Bits

  • I am always happy to nerd out with fellow replayers and Maria and Rohan were great for that.
  • It was great getting to know more about Rohan and discuss the articles he has written for the Retro Replay website.
  • It was interesting to hear about Trailer Talk without having watched it, hearing about PJ’s reactions and ultimate interest in another Cinderella retelling.


Listen and subscribe to The Replayer Podcast here or on your preferred podcast platform.

What were your favorite bits from this week’s episode? Let’s chat in the comments below!

HOST: Dan Morris
FEATURING: Maria & Rohan
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris & Pagan McGrath

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