What Makes a Remake? | TRP: Ep 124

DATE: 06/24/22
By Dan Morris and Dan Morris

This week we are discussing the reveal for the new Final Fantasy 7 games, Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the remake of The Last of Us Part 1. We also ask what makes a remake and will you spend $70 on TLOU Part 1? The Last of Us Part 1 is set to release on the PlayStation 5 on Sept 2nd. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is planned to release in the Winter of 2023 and Dragon’s Dogma 2 is now in development.


Dan Morris: https://twitter.com/StarkyVash

Maria Kinnun: https://twitter.com/Pocketninja85

Luis Reza: https://twitter.com/clevermnkrhere
Erika Aundawyn: https://twitter.com/aundawyn

Listen here on Couch SoupSpotify, or Apple Podcast. Watch on YouTube

If you would like to contribute to the future of the podcast, submit topics, or ask questions. Email them to [email protected]

Will you be buying TLOU Part 1? Are you excited for FF7 Rebirth or Dragon’s Dogma 2? Let us know in the comments.


HOST: Dan Morris
FEATURING: Luis Reza + Maria Kinnun + Erika Aundawyn
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris

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