Spider-Man 2: We Have a Gameplay Trailer! And So, So Much To Talk About

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| May 25, 2023

The PlayStation Showcase happened this week, and Sony closed the show with what we were all waiting for, gameplay footage for Spider-Man 2, and holy hell, did they deliver. We were treated to 12 minutes of the Spider-Men team showing off everything that made the first game so great, with a bunch of new additions that are sure to ramp up the fun even more. Insomniac Games, the developers behind the game, did very little to hide some of the most significant details fans had been wondering about and, with this trailer, confirmed many theories but also created a bunch of new ones. With that said, let’s jump into the biggest talking points of, what is sure to be, one of the biggest games of the year.

The Symbiote Suit

There is an elephant in the room, so before we do anything else, let’s talk about that incredible-looking black symbiote Spider-Man suit. Peter Parker dons a new suit for this trailer, and if you are not sure what this is, it is the symbiote known as Venom. Peter’s whole demeanor is colder and more aggressive, exactly as he is portrayed in many forms of media when infected with the symbiote.

The symbiote suit brings its own gameplay to the table as well, with Peter pulling off some slimy symbiote finishers, even taking out four guys at once! The suit looks great, Yuri Lowenthal’s performance already feels awesome, and we can’t wait to see how Insomniac executes the Venom story.

These Spiders Have Wings

Next up, both Peter and Miles have wingsuits now! We got a brief look at this new traversal mechanic in the game, and it looked pretty solid. Peter and Miles retain their swinging styles, and for the most part, traversal looked the same, albeit with a few new additions, like that super cool super slingshot move.

They fly now? They fly now!

The map has reportedly been expanded to include Queens and Brooklyn. While this has not been confirmed yet, it sure looked like Peter was fighting in Queens at the beginning of the trailer. Considering the super fast loading times of the SSD hard drive in the PS5, it is very likely that we will get a much larger map to swing and glide through.

Bad Guys Galore

Little was known, and much was rumored going into Spidey’s next big game about who would be the major villains. MCU-styled post-credits scenes teased the likes of Venom and The Lizard, but nothing was ever confirmed. The various trailers we have now have confirmed a long list of new characters and most of them are of the bad guy variety. Kraven the Hunter, will likely be the most prominent villain, along with Venom, and were the first two villains confirmed for the game. However, from the gameplay trailer, we can confirm that Lizard will be just as big a threat. The new Kraven cinematic trailer also teased appearances from Taskmaster, Wraith (the vigilante alter ego of police captain Yuri Watanabe from the first game), Black Cat, Prowler, Tombstone, and Shocker, not to mention all of the villains from the first game locked up in the raft. It’s a bit of an army.

A Spider’s work is never done

Release Window

The game is set to release in Fall this year, which is keeping track for an early September release as was the case for the first game. There is no word on any development trouble and no mention of delays, which is commonplace in the industry right now. At the time of writing, there is no official release date, but the game is already available to Wishlist on the PlayStation store. It will likely be available to preorder in the next few weeks and will be a PlayStation 5 exclusive. Sorry PS4 owners!

So how ‘bout it? What did you think of the gameplay trailer? Are you excited about the new Spider-Man game? Let us know below and on our socials.
You can check out the full gameplay trailer right here.

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