Starship Troopers Extermination – Early Access Preview

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| November 18, 2023

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Starship Troopers was one of those movies I was obsessed with as a kid. It’s violent, it’s funny, it’s iconic. The premise was ripe for video game adaptation as well. Human militants facing off against impossible odds, being overwhelmed by massive hoards of killer bugs in space. Now, Offworld Industries is trying to capture what made the film special, and the reports are in!

Starship Troopers Extermination launched into early access on Steam on May 17th, and we enlisted to be citizens. After basic training, we were off to planet Valaka to squash some bugs and save the universe. 

A desert field full of multilegged insect-like monsters.
“Kill ’em All”!

Would You Like to Know More? Early Access is a way for developers to release a game that is still in development in an effort to improve upon the game with direct feedback from the community. Oftentimes, this includes selling the game at a reduced price for those willing enlisties. Offworld Industries has a One-year roadmap for the early access version of Starship Troopers Extermination with the hopes of releasing the whole game with all updates in that time. That being said, games in this state tend to be incomplete and full of Bugs and not the Arachnids that are supposed to be in this game.

If you want to enlist, here is what I can report from the battlefield. Starship Troopers Extermination is really fun! It bleeds with the life of the movie in its look and sound. As part of the mobile infantry, you can choose to be a Hunter, Operator, or Bastion and assist the war effort in base defenses with hordes of bugs. The game is a cooperative FPS with base building and defense for 16 players. Don’t like base building and just want to kill some bugs? Do not worry. There are plenty willing to handle the building side.

Currently, there are three game modes and three playable classes on one planet, which Offworld promises to add more over time. More planets, more bugs, more gore! You can see their development roadmap here. In my time with the game, I had my share of game bugs, but none in so much to ruin the experience. Once, I had glitched into the door of a dropship, where I remained until the ship launched, and I was left in the ground surrounded by Arachnids and very promptly torn into little trooper pieces. It made for some good laughs with my team.

A large insect-like monster approaches a soldier.
“We are SO dead”!

I grouped up with fellow recruit Luis to take planetside and kill some bugs. Luis, a Bastion and heavy hitter that he is, was a force to be reckoned with. I played support with the Operator, doing my best to keep my fellow troopers alive and healthy.

Luis: Here’s the thing: I never really get to be the heavy in most coop titles. I usually either support the team or take the role of the little fast guys who get in and out for point damage or complete tasks. Dan and I occasionally have to figure out which of us will be a healer or, usually more so than not, end up both as healers, just healing each other into perpetuity. But this time, my brain said aloud to my mind, “Why the hell not?” I suited up as a heavy gunner and blasted the hell out of those “Damned bugs”! It was exhilarating. I found myself in a zen-like somnambulist state of autopilot and let the violence take control. Did I kill the bugs? No, my friend. I committed acts of pure hatred against them. The waves poured over me like an ocean of past regrets and moments of elated bliss as I vicariously vented through the vehement violence, a violation of venerated victory vindicating me of the very vindictive vices of our everyday lives… So yeah, it was pretty cathartic and hella fun. I ended up going back to it for a few days straight. Yes, there are many glitches and things left to be desired to ensure the game fully realizes its potential. During the tutorial, I couldn’t hear anything over the sound of rocks because of an audio glitch, but the devs seem to be on top of most of the problems, so it’s pretty promising. Give it a shot for yourself and see what’s all the hubbub bug.

Check out some of my and Luis’s antics while playing and see what you are missing in this video.

If you want to enlist and Kill them All, Check out Starship Troopers Exterminations. We even have a key to give to one lucky soldier who comments on the article!

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