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One Year Later: Gotham Knights – Misunderstood Masterpiece Or Missed Opportunity?

It’s been one year since Gotham Knights was released and we’re still debating whether it is a misunderstood masterpiece or a massive missed opportunity. Join us as we Step Into The Knight and find out!

The Flash: Discount Flashpoint

The Flash has come and gone, but reviews are better late than never. Join Thomas Richards as he gives his thoughts on this controversial DC film.

Couch Soup Reactions: James Gunn’s DCEU

James Gunn is now the captain of the DC ship, announcing his DC Extended Universe slate at the end of January. This is what some of our Couch Soup contributors thought about the announcements!

The Batman Has Hit Theaters and It’s the Caped Crusader Like You Have Never Seen Him

The Batman is a new take on the vigilante hero in film, bringing to life a beloved comic story arc. Nick reflects on how the film brings us a Batman experience we've been waiting for.

Comparing Reeves’ The Batman to His Acclaimed Planet of the Apes Films

Matt Reeves proved his filmmaking genius in his two Planet of the Apes sequel movies. Is he bringing that magic touch to a DC franchise? Lily K seeks answers by looking at Reeves' signature touch on The Batman.

Can we Please Ditch the Snyder-verse for a Buddy Cop Superhero Film?

What’s large, gray, and doesn't matter? Zack Snyder irrelevant Universe. Let’s add a little Blue and Gold to the next adventure. Josh’s take on why Booster Gold and Blue Beetle can be good for the DCU.

The C-List Heroes We Need in the DC Cinematic Universe

After a series of mixed results, where can DC go for fresh superhero story material without another reboot? The answer may be in the C-list characters from a little known but well-written comic series.

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Reviewing Reviews: Making Sense of the Madness

Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
by Iain McParlandNovember 22, 2023
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