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Gear Up Soldier! Gears of War Is Chainsawing Its Way Onto Netflix

INCOMING! With Gears Of War's Netflix deal recently announced, devoted fan Jake Brown shares his thoughts and controversial casting choices for the upcoming film and animated series.

Couch Co-op is an awesome way to play video games and Gears of War is one of the best

Gears of War is just about the most fun you can have with a friend on a couch… Moving swiftly along from how awkward that sounded, let’s talk about Couch Co-op and how awesome, and criminally underused, it is in modern video games as we look back on one of Xbox’s best flagship series.

The Coalition “Gears” Up To Assist Suicide Prevention

Developer The Coalition studio takes a step back from the fictional war they are known for, to join a real life battle on #MentalHeath, in order to help save lives as they team with Crisis Text Line.


Megacon Orlando is back! Was it good? Bad? Meh? Jake Brown shares his thoughts on what went well and how next year's convention can be improved.

Gears Of War: Ephyra Rising Book Review

With the Locust war over and the planet Sera now at peace, Humanity must now determine how to reconstruct what was lost from the little they have left. Michael A. Stackpole (Star Wars, World Of Warcraft) looks to deliver some insight into what that entails in the newest Gears Of War novel, Ephyra Rising. Here’s Jake Brown’s review on the book based on the popular Xbox video game series.

Is The Marcus Fenix Collection Actually Happening?

Another Microsoft franchise is getting the Master Chief collection treatment, will it be the Marcus Fenix Gears of War collection, or something else?

Gears Keep Turning: Celebrating 10 Years of Gears Of War 3

Dust off those Retro Lancers, because Jake Brown: @JakeSteel44 is here to take you back to the year 2011 as we celebrate the 10th year anniversary of Gears Of War 3.

The Tears Of War – 10 Most Emotional Moments In Gears

To defeat the Locust Horde we will need strength, courage, and...tissues? Come join the Gear-father Jake Brown as he takes us through his top emotional moments in the Gears Of War franchise.

Gears For Years: A Life-Altering Story

Fascinated by a series where humanity faces extinction and that the only hope is that there is a tomorrow, Gears of War enthusiast Jake Brown tells a tale of how a game unexpectedly brought him friendship, love, and a bright future.

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Reviewing Reviews: Making Sense of the Madness

Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
by Iain McParlandNovember 22, 2023
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