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WET From 2009 Is A Hidden Gem That You Should Absolutely Play

Ever heard of the video game Wet? It’s an absolute classic and you need to play it! Think Tarantino meets Max Payne. Have a read and see why we think Wet is a hidden gem that you absolutely need to play.

Being a Female Game Environment Artist in a Rapidly Changing Landscape

Meet Katelyn Johnson, a talented video game environmental artist who rose to the challenge and overcame doubt and fear to make her dreams come true and is currently working with Santa Monica Studio on the highly anticipated God of War game.

Hidden Gems – Driver: San Francisco

Time to check out whether the 2011 daytime TV cop show turned into a video game - Driver San Francisco- is worth checking out.

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Reviewing Reviews: Making Sense of the Madness

Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
by Iain McParlandNovember 22, 2023
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