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The Sound of Nightmares – A Different Kind of Video Game Podcast

Are you looking for an expansion to the world of Little Nightmares? Or just a nice way to ease yourself into spooky season? Iain has the podcast for you: The Sound of Nightmares

Stream Screams: The Ritual (2017) – A Netflix Gem That’ll Haunt Your Dreams

Looking for something scary to stream? We got you! This is a new series called Stream Screams and first up is the uniquely terrifying British horror film, The Ritual.

Scary Good Films Vol. 7: Angst

After a brief hiatus, Matt Kalo returns with possibly his scariest analysis yet.

Scary Good Films Vol. 4: Häxan

Matt Kalo is back, and he’s about to put a spell on you by analyzing this bizarre horror-documentary hybrid.

Scary Good Films Vol. 1: Alucarda

In this first installment of Matt Kalo’s new series, he looks at a film so tantalizing, so shocking, it deserves to be among the horror classics.

My Descent Into Horror, Part 4: Creepypastas and Beyond

In this installment of “My Descent Into Horror” Matt Kalo shares how he became motivated to create his own horror content.

My Descent Into Horror, Part 3: Terror from Italy

The horror films of Italy have made a global impact. Matt Kalo reflects on how they took his love of horror to new heights.

My Descent Into Horror, Part 1: The Evil Dead Trilogy

The Evil Dead movies are iconic for horror fans, and Matt Kalo shares how the films were his terrifying entry into a genre he eventually grew to love.

Chernobylite Review – An Enjoyable Horror Shooter RPG Mystery Game

Do you have a radioactive itch for the next S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Fallout? Chernobylite may be the answer.

The Art of Horror Vol 1. – What Makes a Monster Movie Great?

From Alien through A Quiet Place let’s take a look at Monster Horrors. In this series we will dive into the art of scary movies and why is it so hard to find really great ones? In Volume 1 let's take a look at these favorite sub-genre: Monster Horrors.

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Reviewing Reviews: Making Sense of the Madness

Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
by Iain McParlandNovember 22, 2023
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