Obi-Wan confronts his former pupil, Darth Vader, in a stunning duel of the fates. Will Obi-Wan be strong enough to hold off the Sith Lord during ‘The Path’s’ most desperate hour? Will Darth Vader give Obi-Wan closure on a matter that’s been tormenting the Jedi Master for over a decade? Or will the emotional wounds from this new battle need further time to heal? Check out how this series concludes to set the stage for the Original Trilogy.
Darth Vader is closing in on his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Will Vader catch up to Obi-Wan before he is able to escape? Has Obi-Wan’s rescue mission for the Princess doomed the members of ‘The Path?’ What plot twists and galactic secrets will be revealed in Part V of Kenobi? “Join me,” as we break down Part V of the Kenobi series.
The Princess needs to be rescued! Will Obi-Wan be able to save her in time? Will he be strong enough to pull off this mission? What dark secrets does the Fortress Inquisitorius hold? Check out how Obi-Wan gets his groove back in Chapter IV.
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