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The Mandalorian S3 “The Return” – Top 3 Highlights

“The Return,” was the perfect wrap up for the grand finale of season three of the Mandalorian. All the outstanding immediate plot points were addressed clearing the way for new adventures in season four. The finale had an epic, historic battle the Mandalorians will add to their songs for the ages! Din and Grogu discover what it really means to officially be family. Mandalorians are stronger together! They proved it to be true!

The Mandalorian Chapter 24: For Mandalore

The finale of The Mandalorian season 3 is here, and it’s bombastic. Join Thomas Richards as he recaps this explosive yet wholesome ending to the 3rd season of this enjoyable series.

The Mandalorian S3 “Guns for Hire” – Top 3 Highlights

Bo-Katan and Din Djarin catch up with the Stolen Fleet, but before they are able to confront the Mandalorian mercenaries, they are coerced into helping a planet with their massive droid malfunctioning problem. Once they crack the case, they are back on track for their original purpose. But will the Mandalorians follow Bo-Katan? Check out my top three highlights from Chapter 22: Guns For Hire!

The Mandalorian Chapter 23: Homecoming

The penultimate episode of The Mandalorian is here, and it’s a good one. Join Thomas Richards as he recaps all the action, laughs, and emotional moments from the second last episode of the season.

The Mandalorian Chapter 21: A Planet Under Siege

The Mandalorian is back with Chapter 21, and things are heating up! Join Thomas Richards as he recaps this action-packed joyride of an episode.

The Mandalorian S3 “The Foundling” – Top 3 Highlights

The Mandalorian Chapter 20, the Foundling, jumps right back into nonstop Mandalorian action! Check out my top three highlights as we get to see firsthand how the Mandalorians rally together when one of them is in danger.

The Mandalorian Chapter 20: House of Mando

The halfway point of The Mandalorian Season 3 is here. Chapter 20 is an action-packed thrill ride that has it all. Join Thomas Richards as he recaps this intense episode.

The Mandalorian S3 “The Convert” – Top 3 Highlights

Din Djarin has completed his quest for redemption and in the process helped Bo-Katan get a new perspective of the ‘Old’ Mandalorian ways. Mando and Bo-Katan head back to the Mandalorian convert to provide proof, but before they get there the story takes a major detour to the Center of the Universe, Coruscant. Chapter 19 was mainly devoted to two reformed Imperials. Check out my top three favorite highlights from Chapter 19, the Convert.

The Mandalorian Chapter 19: Old Habits Die Hard

Chapter 19 of The Mandalorian is here, and it’s unique. With exciting dogfights and questionable government decisions, there’s a lot here. Join Thomas Richards as he recaps all the excitement from the latest episode.

The Mandalorian S3 “The Mines of Mandalore” – Top 3 Highlights

Chapter 18 “The Mines of Mandalore '' brings us to the mysterious annihilated planet. Din Djarin goes spelunking with his adorable green kid but runs into trouble along the way. Bo-Katan returns to her home which lies in ashes to rescue the day. The city ruins stand as a testament to the Empire's wrath. Will Mando be able to reaffirm his oath? Will Bo-Katan’s time on the planet change her perspective? What other mysteries will the ruins of Mandalore reveal? With an action and lore-packed episode check out my top three favorite moments.

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Reviewing Reviews: Making Sense of the Madness

Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
by Iain McParlandNovember 22, 2023
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