The Scaredy-Cat Club Presents: 3 Action Movies So Good It’s Supernatural!

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| October 11, 2023

Welcome back, litter-mates! I asked another Couch Soup contributor and friend, Luis Reza, to help me explain to you this meeting’s topic, “The results of a weird night between action, comedy, and horror where they got too drunk, and “one thing led to another”? Um… Thank you, Louie, for that colorful and very visual description. To put it another way, it has less fuel for nightmares. This meeting topic is more in the action category but does contain a supernatural element.

This image Is made to represent a club patch or pin. It has two circles The center smaller circle has a black cat looking scared on an orange background The outer circle says Member of The scaredy-cat Club In black fancy letters
Don’t like horror movies? Join the club!

Eddie Murphy Is The Chosen One.

The Golden Child  premiered on December 12, 1986. It was directed by Michael Ritchie and written by Dennis Feldman, and Eddie Murphy, J.L. Reate, and Charles Dance.


Eddie Murphy plays Chandler Jarrell, a detective with a specialty in finding lost children. He is told he is the ‘Chosen one’ who will find and protect the Golden Child, a Buddhist mystic who was kidnapped by an evil sorcerer named Sardo Numspa. Success lies in Jarrell’s expertise and determination; however, he must first overcome skepticism to protect this unusual child from the powers of darkness. But in a world filled with cynicism and doubt, does Chandler have what it takes to defend The Golden Child?

Eddie Murphy is at the top of his game in this movie. Demons and spirits of the underworld are no match for his rapier and wit! My favorite scene is when Chandler and Kee Nag have returned to the States and are stopped by Sardo at the airport. Another interesting scene is when Sardo is speaking to his ‘master’ in Hell. Sound familiar? Perhaps a villain from an animated series called Inspector Gadget.  Yes, the actor who brings the voice from Hell is the same one who brings Dr. Claw to life. His name is Frank Welker. This is a great little flick for the spooky season, or if you need some laughs, there’s plenty to go around.

They Told Him To Go To Hell, And That’s Just Where He’s Going!

1986 was a great year for films with action and a dash of spookiness! Big Trouble In Little China was released on July 2, 1986. It was directed by John Carpenter. Written by Gary Goldman, David Z. Weinstein, and W.D. Richter. Stars Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, and Dennis Dun There are two familiar faces in this film that also appeared in The Golden Child.  Victor Wong, and James Hong.


A rough-and-tumble trucker named Jack Burton is in for a big surprise when he decides to help his best friend Wang free his kidnapped fiancée, Miao Yin. Jack rushes headlong into the perilous criminal underworld of San Francisco’s Chinatown; hot on the trail of a centuries-old Chinese sorcerer named  David Lo Pan, the mystery of an ancient curse unfolds. Jack and his companions embark on a frenzied rescue mission in the heart of the sorcerer’s dark labyrinth. Lo Pan’s deadly minions, blood-curdling supernatural horrors, and a trio of unstoppable kung-fu masters stand in their way. Can Jack save the girl from the sorcerer’s clutches and live to tell the tale?

Kurt Russell is awesome! The special effects are the epitome of 1980s cool! My favorite scene is the test to decide who Lo Pan is to marry. I know John Carpenter has also directed Halloween, but don’t let that deter you from watching this ’80s gem. It’s tons of fun and not that scary.

Hail To The King Baby!

The third Scaredy-Cat Club pick to help you prepare for the spooky season. Coincidentally, this is also the third film in The Evil Dead franchise. Directed and written by Sam Raimi and Ivan Raimi. Starring Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, and Marcus Gilbert.


Ash and his girlfriend, Linda (Bridget Fonda), travel to a cabin in the woods where Linda was possessed and killed by a book called the Necronomicon Ex Mortisevil and casting a spell that sends Ash through a dimensional portal, and he lands in Medieval England in the 13th Century, where he is immediately captured by Lord Arthur (Marcus Gilbert) and his men, who suspect him to be an agent for Duke Henry, with whom Arthur is at war. 

He is enslaved along with the captured Duke Henry The Red (Richard Grove). His gun and chainsaw are confiscated and is taken to a castle. Ash is thrown into a pit where he regains his chainsaw from Arthur’s Wise Man (Ian Abercrombie). According to the Wise Man, the only way Ash can return to his time is to retrieve the Necronomicon. Unfortunately, he screws up the magic words while collecting the tome and releases an army of evil dead led by his own Deadite counterpart. What follows is a thrilling yet tongue-in-cheek battle between Ash’s 20th-century tactics and the minions of darkness.

This movie really embraces the word ‘campy’ and gives it a big bear hug, and I love it for that reason. The second reason is Bruce Campbell. What is there to say that hasn’t already been said? Evil Dead has been around since 1981 and has spawned the series Ash and The Evil Dead. That series was created for fans of Evil Dead and who love Bruce! Let’s face it: no spooky movie list would be complete without something with Bruce Campbell in it.

Well, that brings another meeting to a close. Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye, and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.” -Kurt Russell, Big Trouble Little China 1986

Also, don’t forget the Ajanti Dagger and your boom stick just in case!

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