The Sound of Nightmares – A Different Kind of Video Game Podcast

hello world!
| October 14, 2023

So, there I was, minding my own business, scrolling through Facebook (don’t judge me. I was borrrreeeeddddd). Suddenly, I saw a sponsored ad for a new podcast called “The Sound of Nightmares.” 

They got me, damnit! Those pesky marketers got me!

But, in this case, I’m kinda glad. It was hardly the first time I had heard that a companion podcast was being created by the folks at BANDAI NAMCO Europe and Supermassive Games. The short audio-fiction 6-part series was announced back in August alongside the trailer reveal for Little Nightmares 3. In fact, the audio series is set in the same world as Little Nightmares 3 and may contain clues to the plot. Or so it is believed… 

As a fan of the world of Little Nightmares, this is the perfect podcast to get you excited for the new game. 

The Story

If you sit that close, you’ll get square eyes. Nevermind. He’s dead.

The Sound of Nightmares follows the story of The Counsellor, Otto, and his patient, Noone. A young girl recovering from “Water Sickness,” Noone begins to experience terrifying nightmares, and she recounts these tales to The Counsellor over six episodes. 

But as their sessions progress, Noone’s nightmares become more vivid, and Otto’s past childhood trauma is revealed. Could there be a connection between the world that Noone describes and the one he first heard of as a child? He must find out, no matter the cost.

I wouldn’t say the story is particularly scary, but the imagery is intriguing and made more eerie by being told with a child’s voice. The narrative builds throughout, culminating in a fantastic finale. There was definitely room for a few more short stories!

The acting of the two main characters was superb, if a little embellished at times. I’m not accustomed to listening to radio dramas, but I can understand how it would be necessary to accentuate emotional scenes when there isn’t an accompanying picture reference. The sound design overall is excellently implemented, not overpowering Noone’s story but increasing its impact.

Game Tie-In

What the series does immaculately is evoke the atmosphere of the Little Nightmares franchise. Through each re-telling of Noone’s dreams, I could picture how the nightmare could be made into an environment in the games. 

Heyyyyyyy, good lookin’! Whaaaat you got cookin’?

I asked myself: Could I see Six running or creeping through a level based on the dream? And for the majority of stories, I can absolutely say yes. Take the second episode, for example, A Penance at the Bathhouse. The description of colossal, ugly creatures cleansing the sin from every man, woman and child harkens back to the first game’s chefs and diners at The Maw. The ensuing chase sequence makes me think of the second game’s TV-addicted Viewers

The whole series is entrenched in the tension and horrifying atmosphere of Little Nightmares. It’s a great companion piece, bringing a new layer to BANDAI NAMCO’s universe. 

A Podcast For The Season

Coming into October, we all need spooky media to keep us going. The world of Little Nightmares is excellent to ease you into the Halloween season. It’s not uber-scary, but it’s an appetizer for what’s to come. It’s creepy enough to get those horror juices flowing.

The Sound of Nightmares is a cool tie-in for BANDAI NAMCO’s well-written, mini-horror world. I recommend this podcast to anyone invested in that world or itching for some unique spooky content this autumn. 

The Sound of Nightmares is available to listen to on YouTube and podcast services everywhere.

Sweet dreams, Soupies!

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