What It Means To Be Part Of A Community

hello world!
| November 17, 2020

What is a community? The formal definition of community denotes a feeling of fellowship with others, resulting from sharing common attitudes, interests, goals, and similarities, or having a shared identity. Why do we feel the need to bond over something we have in common? Could it be as simple as saying it’s human nature? When we share a love for something, it automatically binds us together. As we put more time and energy into this pursuit, that bond between others who share this common interest becomes even stronger. In the process, we end up building something much larger than just ourselves, and we end up touching the lives of those around us.

When you become a part of a community, your bubble expands, as does your awareness of others who share your similar interests. You become a part of a whole instead of just loafing around alone. When you have others to share your interests with, to get excited with, then something magical happens. There is incredible energy when people come together and share and build upon a common foundation. Community is about growth and inclusion, always extending a welcoming hand to the newcomer or someone who has a quiet voice.

Replayers chatting in Zoom
Replayers chatting in Zoom just after a Thursday Retro Replay premiere.

Every community has its own essence. That essence is tangible but can be difficult to quantify. It’s the human factor, and it changes and evolves with the people in it. It’s something we can only feel through exposure. You have to commit time to get acquainted with the community. Some of us are quick to dive headfirst into the deep end, while others are more reserved and prefer to take their time getting their feet wet. Once you’re immersed, though, it’s time to start the pool party. Does anyone want to play Marco Polo?

I have always said adults are just overgrown children looking to find someone else to play with. We all want to just get along and extend friendship to others. The base of human nature is harmony. That said, to each of us, community can mean something different. It can affect us differently as it evolves and changes over time. Even with its evolution, there will still be a common truth that keeps us tied together. We are all drawn to the common source, like moths to a flame.

Let’s talk about the Replayers.

What an interesting, diverse, rowdy bunch of wonderful human beings the Replayers are. I have personally gotten to know quite a few of them, and it’s been quite the adventure. We are across the globe, spanning all time zones, looking to have some fun and laughs with our beloved Uncle Noly.

Speaking of Uncle Noly…

Nolan chatting from the office
Nolan North chatting with Replayers from his office.

Nolan North is the man that keeps us all coming back from week to week to watch the new shenanigans. We all love his gregarious, genuine personality. The Retro Replay crew are each gems themselves: without Drew, PJ, Stephanie, Paul, and Pagan, the show would be incomplete. We appreciate what each of them contributes that brings us all together as new content is released. They are the foundation of this wonderful show and this expanding, ever-growing community.

The ringmaster, Nolan, along with the crew, have always made themselves available to the Replayers. This has endeared the fan base to them even more. His including the Replayers in different aspects of the show has been a fun way to shout out the support of the little guys. As a little guy, I would just like to say thank you.

How did YOU learn about the Retro Replay community?

Everyone’s story is a little different. I would recommend watching the Replayer Podcast to check out some Replayers’ stories about how they found the community. The Replayer Podcast is a great way to put faces to names and to get to know each other’s personalities a bit more in-depth.

Retro Replay live chat capture
Retro Replay live chat capture.

Here’s a bit about my experience finding Retro Replay:

I am married to Aaron B, a.k.a. the “Loud Guy.” We‘ve been in love with Retro Replay since the beginning. We watched the episode every Thursday when it aired like a cute old couple waiting for their program to come on. We didn’t discover the community side of Retro Replay until quarantine. Who knew that little live chat tab would open a whole new world of people who were just as psyched as we were about the show?

Everyone in the community that we’ve gotten to know have been quite awesome. The thing that amazes me about Retro Replay is that it attracts such an interesting group of people to come together and have some fun in the name of gaming, entertainment, and pop culture.

From the live chat to the weekly Zoom happy hour before each Thursday episode (hosted by Brandy and Dan), to social media, to Twitch, to making new friends on whatever gaming platform is your preference the options to reach out and connect to others across the globe keeps growing as you get more into the community. (Shout out to times zones.) I feel like Alice who has fallen down the rabbit hole of wonderful gaming chaos. Would you like to join us for some tea?

Nolan showing of a custom-made Team Nolan shirt from the community
Nolan showing of a custom-made Team Nolan shirt from the community.

What does the future hold for the Retro Replay community?

Everything about this community has been overwhelmingly positive. People are excited, people are happy to come together on Thursdays and have a good time. The cast and crew of Retro Replay want to hear our feedback and make improvements, they’ve been involved and attentive. Retro Replay always seems to have something new to show and share with us. I know us Replayers have just as much to share with each other as well.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. If you’re new here, let us know. If you’ve been around, but you’re shy? We want to get to know you, too. Join us in the live chats, add to the banter. We love getting to know one another, solidifying those bonds of camaraderie. We’re all here for a common purpose: our love for all of what Retro Replay has to offer.

Here are some ways you can meet more Replayers and get involved in the community:

  • Join in the live chats on YouTube every Thursday before and during each the premiere at 4 p.m. PST. Be sure to enable alerts on the Retro Replay channel so you don’t miss it!
  • Join in the Zoom happy hour prior to every Thursday premiere, and introduce yourself and jump into the conversation. Follow Brandy on Twitter (@watery_tart19) for invitations each Thursday telling you how to join in.
  • Join the official Retro Replay community and get more access to Nolan and the crew.
  • Listen to the Replayer Podcast, and reach out to Pagan and Dan to let them know you’re interested in being a guest (email [email protected], leave a message on the podcast in YouTube, or send a direct message on Twitter to @PaganPlays or @StarkyVash).
  • Register and engage here on the Retro Replay website.
  • If you have a preferred social media platform like Twitter, Facebook, or Discord, seek out Replayers to follow in those spaces, including some fun fan-run groups.


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