AEW: Fight Forever is the new wrestling game on the block, but can it hang with the big boys? Read Iain’s review and find out how the game, although fun, does not live up to its full potential
The PlayStation 4 defines how consoles can become budget-friendly options for players who want a bang for their buck. The games themselves do serve this console justice. Here are some titles that define this console generation.
The impact of a great video game soundtrack transcends the game experience. But what is the magic formula that really gets us hooked on a game's music?
With the original PlayStation being a commercial success, the PlayStation 2 had high expectations. But the console blazed its own trail in gaming for more than a decade. Here are titles that define that console generation.
The remastered Nier Replicant keeps gamers playing again and again to learn even more of the story. Emmanuel looks at the game's replayability and the brilliance of Yoko Taro's storycraft.
The original PlayStation console had a huge library of games during its run. Emmanuel shares the original PlayStation games that meant the most to him, and some of our other Couch Soup contributors share theirs, too.
Gilbert Gottfriend was a brilliant comedian who was unfiltered and brutal as a performer but a sweet loving man when he’s off stage. Until he told me to get a new hobby. Here’s my story about meeting Gottfried!
Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.