Another season of anime has come and gone and left us with plenty of fantastic anime. Join Thomas and Stef as they fill you in on some of the amazing shows from the Summer 2023 anime season.
Stef kicks off a series of articles on what makes Atlanta's Dragon Con a unique fan experience, starting with how it's grown as a con by fans for fans since 1987.
In this final installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef covers Hyuang, Sith Inquisitors, Hamato Xiono, and more in a grab bag of other final notes for you.
In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces two more Spectres from Star Wars: Rebels: Sabine Wren and Zeb Orrelios.
The spring anime season is behind us, and it was filled with quality anime content. Join Thomas and Stef as they let you know which spring anime you need to check out right now!
In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces Ezra Bridger, his master Kanan Jarrus, and the "space whales" known as the purrgil.
In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces Grand Admiral Thrawn, his flagship the Chimera, and the ship's former commander and Thrawn protege Pellaeon.
In this installment of Couch Soup's Star Wars: Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces Hera Syndulla, Hera's droid Chopper, and Hera's ship, the Ghost.
Want to watch the Ahsoka series but need a CliffNotes version of the backstory? Stef kicks off this weekly prep notes series with some quick notes about Ahsoka and Rex.
Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.