The second Joker movie is here. Let’s dive deep and talk about something that barely anyone mentioned regarding this movie. This is not your same “Joker Folie à Deux is bad” review, this is a bit more of a deeper look into the message it tries to get through.
ohan looks at some great Australian indie creatives that people should be paying a hell of a lot more attention to. From authors to publishers to streamers, oh my!
The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee is a tense and driving family narrative in a world much like ours, but with magic Mafias. A great series for fans of G.R.R. Martin or Frank Herbert, moved into the post-colonialist era.
Rohan fills us in on the most momentous event of 2024… Transformers comics switching publishers from IDW to Image Comics. Join him as he breaks down what this means for you, your family and the economy.
Iain M. Banks' Second Culture Book, Player of Games, carries the keynotes of the series, with elements of paranoia and defeating enemies through ideology, as well as a complex relationship with gender decades ahead of its time.
Rereading Iain M. Banks’ Consider Phlebas as the first work in the influential Culture series, on its own merits, and against the backdrop of the cultural changes since it was written.
Welcome to Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism and Megastructures! Welcome space card games and shape-shifters!
New York Times Best Selling author Michael Witwer sits down to talk about life, writing, and we even threw a little Dungeons and Dragons his way. We had the questions, he has the answers.
Comic fatigue setting in from the latest round of Disney+ shows? Join Rohan as he dusts off his comics nerd hat and discusses some of the comics he's been using to beat comic fatigue.
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Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the Assassins in their fight against the Templars? Prove your knowledge of the Assassins Creed franchise with these select trivia questions. “Answers are true, questions are permitted”.
This is starting to show what we should expect from season 2 of The Last of Us on HBO. More great 1 to 1 shots from the acclaimed video game, along with some new and surprising moments that are sure to make fans love and hate this adaptation. What do y’all think?
Unicorn Overlord is a real time strategy game with some amazing mechanics, but maybe it should have held itself back from chasing trends, Ben goes into more details.