After being our guest on Retro Replay, Michele Morrow sat down to talk with us about how our lives are impacted by gaming and how esports is evolving toward equality. She also shares her own personal story about healing through gaming.
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Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the Assassins in their fight against the Templars? Prove your knowledge of the Assassins Creed franchise with these select trivia questions. “Answers are true, questions are permitted”.
Sucker Punch Productions’ original Master Thief, Sly Cooper, stole the hearts of many gamers, and the fandom is still going strong. Lizabeth Phoenix makes a case as to why this smooth criminal deserves a return on PlayStation 5.
Critical Role took Dungeons and Dragons from niche nerdom into pop culture, but how has it changed expectations for folks who are just getting into D&D? Let's explore.