Emmanuel had the great pleasure of speaking with Nicole Tompkins to talk about her career in performance capture, gaming, and maybe a game or two was played during the course of the interview!
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Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the Assassins in their fight against the Templars? Prove your knowledge of the Assassins Creed franchise with these select trivia questions. “Answers are true, questions are permitted”.
The soundtrack from 1998’s Godzilla movie starring Matthew Broderick may, in fact, be better than the movie. Here are some reasons why and some songs you should be paying attention to.
The Kirby franchise has always flirted with elements of horror just under the surface, but the newest entry, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, kicks that up to 11 with its eerie liminal spaces. Tyler looks at what “liminality” is and why it’s so damn important to this game!