Uncharted Movie Trailer 2 Breakdown

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| December 24, 2021

Sony and Playstation dropped a longer second Uncharted movie trailer that gives us a LOT more footage, one-liners, crazy action set pieces, and wait for it… a Sully mustache! Sony clearly hoping this will quell fans’ fervor over the Mark Wahlberg casting as Victor Sullivan. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet check it out below then let’s break it all down.

Overall this trailer gives away WAY too much. There’s a lot in here that I would’ve loved to be surprised by. The first Teaser Trailer that dropped did a much better job at getting fans and newcomers a taste of what’s to come. The teaser also had a needle drop from Led Zeplin that gave it a bit more panache. Let’s go through it scene by scene.

We’ve seen this scene from the Teaser Trailer. Based on the banter this is how Sully and Nate meet but there’s a good chance Sully’s had his eye on Nathan Drake for a while from afar and now’s the time to bring Nate into the life of adventure.

It’s not an Uncharted film unless we get a bit of a history lesson. Here we see some foreshadowing on the lost Magellan ships that Nate and Sully will be looking for along with a brief write-up in the pages about the 5 ships and 270 men Magellan set sail with but lost 4 of the 5 ships and only 18 men survived his journey. Feel free to zoom in or hit the Wikipedia page for how the ships were lost.

Nate looks around what’s probably either Victor Sullivan’s room or Antonio Banderas character (Moncada?) study both of whom are obsessed with finding the lost Magellan treasure (5 billion dollars worth of treasure we learn in dialogue). Really digging the set design and lighting here.

This is where things get interesting. An old Carrack class ship rising out of the water. I’m not seeing any floats or wires attached to the boat. So unless this is channeling some supernatural Pirates of the Caribbean ghost ship themes this is a bit of a mystery on how this ship is doing this. If you have theories post them in the comments. The next shot we even see the tattered sail unfurl but by who…possible flashback?

It’s Antonio Banderas storytime. Narrating the first part of the trailer is the sexy Banderas voice, giving us the history lesson on the lost treasure. “500 years ago my family found the world’s biggest fortune…then was betrayed.” “So much blood” Sounds like either Moncada is a Magellan ancestor or more likely was a crewman on one of the ships Magellan led and was betrayed by Magellan because you know…greed.

Puzzle-solving time. There is a lot of footage out of order here and it’s pretty obvious. This is clearly later in the film after they’ve stolen the cross and found the map that gives them the clear where the treasure is buried. Nice shot though.

Giving off some strong UC3 and UC4 game vibes as well as a bit of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade… all clues are hidden in old churches. This looks like Nate (Tom Holland), Sully (Mark Wahlberg), and Chloe (played by Sophia Taylor Ali).

Yay! Uncharted puzzle! Although this one doesn’t seem really complicated like the ones found in the games. Turn clockwise isn’t exactly clever. They make a joke about it to put a pin on the idea that this puzzle and booby trap is kinda lame. It’s not that funny and Nate kinda comes off less witty and funny and a little too serious. I guess he was more serious when he was younger? This sequence takes place after they steal the cross from Moncada and most likely this opens up a passage into the underbelly of the church where the real prize lies…probably a map.

Here we are tomb raiding with Nate and Chloe. I’m guessing this is below the church from the previous shot. Chloe looks like she’s having a blast while Nate again seems frustrated. If they do make Nate the straight edge to Chloe and Sully’s comedy that will be a huge character departure from the games.

The hero and villain meet. Pulled right from Uncharted 4 there is an auction going on and both Nate and Sully and Moncada want the jeweled cross and Sully bids on the cross while Nate distracts everyone so they can steal the cross under everyone’s noses. “This cross has a very tragic history. So much blood.” Moncada warns Nate here.

Nate is good at distracting people by using his inhuman ability to climb and swing from things while escaping from security. To be fair his line “This is gonna suck.” followed by “ahhhh” are pretty much want I expect Drake to say before leaping off a balcony and swinging on a light chandelier.

No surprise here. Nate and Sully swipe the cross and Sully’s using it as a teaching lesson. This is likely pretty early on in the film soon after Nate and Sully team up. The cross is the first piece of the puzzle.

The famous plane sequence from Uncharted 3 video game is again shown briefly here. There’s more footage in the teaser trailer. While some don’t like that this looks shot for shot the same as the game even the car gag at the end knocking him off the plane after working really hard to climb his way back in. I for one am excited to see it come to life in live-action. It’s one of the best set pieces from all the Uncharted games and it’s no surprise why they wanted to use it for the film. It’s going to be awesome.

Another moment that feels like it’s pulled right from the games is Nate driving this speed boat across the blue Caribbean waters that are a big part of Uncharted 4’s gameplay. It’s another beautiful shot and we see Nate is alone here and not with either Sully or Chloe. This is likely after the plane sequence and Nate has to catch up with the bad guys and hopes that Sully and Chloe stay out of trouble before he arrives to save the day.

He’s our first look at what’s probably Nate’s apt. (that lighting is on point. Even if the film’s story isn’t good. This movie looks great.) He’s opening a chest full of memories including some photos of wait for it…

Here’s our first look at Sam Drake, Nathan Drake’s lost and assumed dead (in the games) brother. Does anyone know who this actor is? Surprising that they showed his face in the trailer let alone the film. I assumed Sam would show up as an end-credit scene in a Spanish prison setting up the next film. Will this actor play a slightly older Sam in the movie? Or will they cast someone else? Does Sam show up in the 3rd act of the film? Lost of questions still to be answered here but I do like from the get-go that Sam is a big part of Nate’s motivation to find this treasure and probably has a lot to do with the choices he has made leading up to now.

The ring! Sic Parvis Magna is inscribed on Sir Francis Drake’s ring which roughly translates to “Greatness from small beginnings.” In the games, Nathan is obsessed with Francis Drake and takes his last name.

Chloe doing what Chloe does. The doublecross, which usually ends up being triplecross. She’s arguably the most interesting Uncharted character as she isn’t as wholesome as Drake and Sully but often teams up with the bad guys if it helps her achieve her goals. Here we can assume she’s stealing the map from Drake in the church tomb.

Looks like Nate and Chloe get close on this adventure which makes sense in the narrative of the games. In Uncharted 2 we get the sense that before Drake meets his eventual wife Elena, that they had a pretty intimate relationship. It’s actually nice to see this dance shot here as most of the clips seem related to a heist, or action piece. I’d really dig it if this film slowed down a minute to really get to know our characters a bit.

Sully meet Braddock (Tati Gabrielle). Braddock is likely a hired badass that works for Moncada to help protect him and deal with the pesky Drake and Sully. Glad to see Tati Gabrielle in this role but I hope her character isn’t just a bunch of cliche bad guy lines and an excuse to have our hero’s get beat up by a woman as a joke.

Is the screen color getting grey? Where’s Drake’s breathe meter? Let’s assume he trying to escape a trap gone wrong which leads him to a really cool shot of a ship in a cave. Wait for it…

Another shot we saw in the teaser trailer and it looks like it’s pulled straight out of the Uncharted 4 game. What we know now is that above this cave is a jungle so these ships aren’t getting the Goonie’s exit. It’s a bit more dramatic. Also with a hole in the cave ceiling that big I wonder why no one found these ships already?

This is one of those moments that I wish was held back from being in the trailer or at least just teased. Right before this shot, we see two quick shots of a helicopter with a grapple line and several guys buckling the lines into the ship. Then we see one of Magellan’s ships rise from the treeline. This is really cool and a moment I haven’t seen in a game or movie before. This leads to the next big action set-piece…

This looks epic! Two of Magellan’s ships being ferried by helicopters is a cool moment. I really wish this wasn’t spoiled in the trailer. We know Drake snuck onto one of these ships. Let the high-flying action begin.

I think the bad guys know that Drake’s on the other ship and happen to have these really dope grapple guns to swing to the other ship like Peter Pan’s lost boys. I think the writers have been to many Pirates Dinner Adventures. We are really going all-in on the pirate theme here. Including…

When you are on an old Carrack ship and have a knife you have to slide down the sail…it’s basically a bucket list item for pirates and scallywags and Nate Drake apparently. Although doing it while the ships are being flown through the air up’s the danger a bit.

This is the first glimpse we see of Nathan Drake taking out a bad guy. While he’s holding a gun we don’t see him fire it at a bad guy in either the teaser trailer or this one. The flying knee is a solid move and no doubt this guy is not getting back up again. But it’s a bit worrisome that we haven’t seen any action featuring guns, rockets, or grenades when it’s such a big part of the gameplay in the Uncharted games. Does Drake kill hundreds of bad guys like in the games to gain fortune and glory or is this a PG-13 Spider-Man version of Drake that doesn’t kill? Even Indiana Jones had to shoot loads of Nazi’s to win the day. Let’s hope this Uncharted is not too watered down.

Don’t fall Drake! Something tells me he’s going to be ok. From a trailer standpoint, this is the crescendo moment before the Title hits and it’s a bit of a meh moment. I would’ve chosen a cooler shot. Even the shot from the Teaser trailer when he spins around a rope and fires his gun is cooler than a slow-motion fall cliffhanger. That’s ok though the trailer goes all-in for fans after the title.

And here it is. The Victor Sullivan mustache or at least the start of one. It’s not quite the full bushy stache that we’ve come to love from the games. But let’s also take note of the green button-down that’s classic Sully attire along with the giant 6 shooter hand cannon he carries. Unless there’s a decent time jump in the movie this is probably an epilogue moment after the hero’s save the day. I’m sure Sony and Playstation wanted this to be a fun reveal at the end of the film but unfortunately, if you read any comments on the internet fans aren’t too happy about the mustacheless Mark Walhberg. I’m sure even this won’t be enough to quiet the fans… I can hear it now… “where’s the cigar!?!”.

There you have it. The race for the greatest treasure is on… if they can survive each other first. #UnchartedMovie is exclusively in movie theaters on February 18 starring Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle, and Antonio Banderas.

Let’s us know what you think of this second Uncharted Trailer.

If you want to hear what Nolan North, the voice and actor for the Uncharted games, think of the Uncharted films you can watch several episodes from CouchSoup including Trailer Talk where we break down more things.

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5 comments on “Uncharted Movie Trailer 2 Breakdown”

  1. I’m really hopeful that this movie will be as great as everyone wants it to be. Lots of love for Mark Wahlberg and that stache is (chefs kiss). Also that last shot in the trailer, the gentleman sitting across from Nate looks like he has his ring around his neck. Perhaps he loses it in the movie and this scene is him trying to get it back?

  2. Just saw this trailer while waiting to watch Spiderman No Way Home and I have to admit I’ve got some mixed feelings about this. I love the history and anything to do with the Spaniards/buried pirate treasure around that time so I’m hooked in that sense but I can’t stop myself from comparing them to the games that I’ve played for hours and hours.

    That’s more on me and I’m still going to see it when the film releases and I’m sure it’ll be a fun time because it looks like a fun adventure flick ala the early 2000s Tomb Raider films.

    I do agree that the trailer did give a bit more away than I would have liked and I hope the puzzles are a bit more clever than the dart one from the trailer.

    Also, do we know how old Drake is in this film? Tom Holland’s just a wee babe!

  3. I just watched the trailer yesterday and I was mostly underwhelmed. You mentioned how the portrayal of Drake seems very out of character, so hopefully its more of a miss lead then how he actually is throughout the movie. That final shot with the ship battle (In the air) though looks absolutely insane and not from any of the games. I am with you though, and wish it wasn’t spoiled in the trailer!

  4. Even though I’ve only played the first Uncharted game (so far), I am really looking forward to seeing this film. It looks so fun! I suppose I should play one of the games with Chloe in it, though; I don’t really know that character from the games. Or maybe I’d enjoy the film more knowing *less* instead of *more* about the games?

  5. I’m still really looking forward to the film. I don’t think it’ll do well with most audiences unfortunately, but I’m sure I’ll still enjoy it. I like Tom Holland in general and as a young ND. I’m bummed about the backstory changes about how he and Sully met, but glad they included some similar wardrobe from the games. They definitely gave too much away in the trailers, but, it is what it is.

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