Bruce Greene: From Camcorder to Content Creator

Bruce Greene is best known for his exploits on G4, Inside Gaming, and Funhaus. Now he’s streaming full-time on Twitch and working harder than ever! In this interview, he shares what he’s been up to and his insights on gaming and content creation.
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Reviewing Reviews: Making Sense of the Madness

Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
by Iain McParlandNovember 22, 2023
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Get Ready for a Thrilling Re-Imagining of The Great Gatsby by Jeremy Holt

PJ Haarsma interviews Jeremy Holt, author and creator of graphic novels and comic books who has reimagined and modernized The Great Gatsby in their upcoming graphic novel, GATSBY
by PJMay 26, 2023 

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part III – Featuring Maria Kinnun & Jen Miller

Can certain aspects of gaming help give your confidence a boost? Is it possible to regain a deep passion for a hobby that has taken a hiatus in your life? Check out this discussion with Maria Kinnun and Jen Miller as we talk about their own personal gaming experience and what they hope to see from the gaming industry in the future.
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