Bruce Greene is best known for his exploits on G4, Inside Gaming, and Funhaus. Now he’s streaming full-time on Twitch and working harder than ever! In this interview, he shares what he’s been up to and his insights on gaming and content creation.
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Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the Assassins in their fight against the Templars? Prove your knowledge of the Assassins Creed franchise with these select trivia questions. “Answers are true, questions are permitted”.
Candace features Amelia Brown and Cassandre Federowicz in the first of a series of interviews with female Replayers having an open, candid discussion of their journey as gamers and how their experience has changed over the years.
What would happen if Nathan Drake & Co. went on the hunt for a certain legendary sword? This fan-made audio drama takes listeners on a thrilling Arthurian adventure that answers that question, and more–with plenty of excitement along the way!