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Category: Star Wars

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Ahsoka Episode 3 – Nobody Expects the Shin-ish Inquisition

Ahsoka and Sabine are reunited and the training begins! But what trouble can they get into this week? And will politicians ever make good decisions in the Star Wars universe? Not likely. Check out Iain’s recap of Ahsoka Episode 3.
by Iain McParland | September 1, 2023 | ,

Ahsoka Episodes 1 & 2 – Rebels & Witches & Lothcats, Oh My!

Ahsoka opening two episodes released on Disney+. Here’s Iain’s recap of Episode 1: Master and Apprentice, and Episode 2: Toil and Trouble. Don’t judge him; he’s very excited.
by Iain McParland | August 26, 2023 | ,

The Road to Ahsoka – Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?

We have so many Star Wars villains, but none of them compares to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Who is this blue guy with piercing red eyes, you may ask? Lily, (his biggest fan) has the answer for you.
by Art of Lily K | August 23, 2023 | ,

Who’s Who of Ahsoka

Ahsoka is almost here, but how can you keep track of all these characters? Join Thomas Richards as he gives you a quick rundown of the major players in the upcoming Disney+ series.

Ahsoka Series Prep Notes: Sabine and Zeb

In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces two more Spectres from Star Wars: Rebels: Sabine Wren and Zeb Orrelios.
by Stef Watson | July 31, 2023 | ,

Ahsoka Series Prep Notes: Ezra, Kanan, and the Purrgil

In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces Ezra Bridger, his master Kanan Jarrus, and the "space whales" known as the purrgil.
by Stef Watson | July 18, 2023 | ,

Top Five Reasons Ahsoka Tano is One of the Greatest Star Wars Characters

To help get you prepared for the upcoming live-action Ahsoka series, Brandy discusses WHY Ahsoka has one of the best story arcs and has put together some essential episodes of The Clone Wars and Rebels.

Ahsoka Series Prep Notes: Thrawn, Pallaeon, and the Chimaera

In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces Grand Admiral Thrawn, his flagship the Chimera, and the ship's former commander and Thrawn protege Pellaeon.
by Stef Watson | July 11, 2023 | ,

Ahsoka Series Prep Notes: Hera, Chopper, and the Ghost

In this installment of Couch Soup's Star Wars: Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces Hera Syndulla, Hera's droid Chopper, and Hera's ship, the Ghost.

Jedi Survivor: The Sequel We Deserved?

Sometimes, fans - dedicated or casual- are rightfully wary of sequels from an already top rated game. Does Jedi Survivor stack up to the original?
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Why is the Okami Sequel so Surprising?

What is Okami and why is everyone so excited for this sequel? Consider this your crash course in all things Capcom & Clover Studio's Okami and its upcoming Okami Sequel.
by Andrea CarterJanuary 2, 2025
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